Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 136 online
TV 10:28:54
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Bumblefoot - Normal (2005) - Awake

Normal (2005)

I miss me.
Miss the noise
Miss the colored dreams
And rings.
And screams
Miss the pain of love and tragedy
It's time to decide.

How should I live each tomorrow - like the first day or the last
With silence in the sunshine or music in the darkness
Either way I'll be ok as long as when I get there I'm with you

You make me wanna live again
But what is life without knowing who I am
It's time to decide.

How should I live each tomorrow - like the first day or the last
With silence in the sunshine or music in the darkness
This peace inside is killing me - I think it might be time to leave
Feel the floodgate start to break and crash away the wall
And I awake with you

The first sight in these eyes I want is you




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