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TV 16:03:50
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Axxis - Back To The Kingdom (2000) - White Lights

White Lights
Back To The Kingdom (2000)

So many years I have lived like a feather
The wind was trying to be my fate
I was dependent from rain storm and weather
But now I know it's not too late

Even if I'm just a tiny little wheel on earth
In this clockwork universe

White lights I can feel the energy
And the spirit of love will arrive
White lights I believe in what I see
The world of true love is alive

When suns and moons surge and fall every minute
Oh, I can only think of you
Planets exploding but mine is still turning
And now I know what I never knew

Yes I'm just a tiny little wheel on earth
In this clockwork universe

White lights I can feel the energy
And the spirit of love will arrive
White lights I believe in what I see
The world of true love is alive




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