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Avenged Sevenfold - Sounding The Seventh Trumpet (2002) - Lips Of Deceit

Lips Of Deceit
Avenged Sevenfold
Sounding The Seventh Trumpet (2002)

The mark I breathe on you.
It’s burning through your soul.
The breath I waste.
Losing control.
I bleed in pain.
Testing what I know.
Lips soaked in deceit.
Pull me from here.
No one’s innocent.
So why do I feel bad?
But guilt keeps creeping, creeping up on me.
Guilt. Tearing me up inside.
The innocent.
An evil in disguise.
The face of beauty to fall for.
I fall to my knees, deceitful.
Brought down by feelings of regret.
Again your mind has failed the test.
Not everyone feels the same.
Pacifist blinded by the game.
Stand tall. They’ll break your heart.
Stand tall. They’ll smash your ego.
Stand tall. They’ll tear you down.
Stand tall. Scar your soul.
Break your thought.
Fuck your mind.
The mark I breathe on you.
It’s burning through your soul.
The breath I waste.
Losing control.
I bleed in pain.
Testing what I know.
Lips soaked in deceit.
Pull me from this hole.






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