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Audio Adrenaline - Worldwide (2003) - Start A Fire

Start A Fire
Audio Adrenaline
Worldwide (2003)

I think it's a cold, cold world and I think we need to heat it
Light it up like gasoline when a match's thrown down in it
So go ahead and strike a match, a passionate heart is needed
So throw a torch up in the sky, 'cause we need someone to lead it

It only takes a little spark to get a fire goin'
I know the fire's in your heart, so go ahead and show it

Go - light it up - start a fire
Burn - let it burn - even higher

Like a city on a hill, we can light up the horizon
For miles and miles and miles - you can see the smoke is risin'
So go ahead and light the sky like a bonfire in the night
Let the fire keep burnin' hard - it can never be too bright

It only takes a little spark to get a fire goin'
I know the fire is in your heart, so go ahead and show it

[chorus x2]




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