Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 104 online
TV 16:50:02
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Audio Adrenaline - Until My Heart Caves In (2005) - King

Audio Adrenaline
Until My Heart Caves In (2005)

Today I finally found a melody that fits
A melody that fits
Today I finally found a song that I can sing
A song that I can sing

You are my King, You are my King I bow down before You and crown You the King of all Kings
Forever I’ll sing, forever I’ll sing
I’ll sing of Your mercy and how I have been set free
(I’ll sing of Your mercy and how by Your love I’m set free)

The rulers of the earth will bow before Your throne
They’ll bow before Your throne
The nations You have made will worship You alone
They’ll worship You alone
They’ll sing for You

I’m set free
I’m set free

If the King has set you free
You are free indeed






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