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Atreyu - Lead Sails Paper Anchor (2007) - Becoming The Bull

Becoming The Bull
Lead Sails Paper Anchor (2007)

Grab the bull by the horns
The old adage goes
Nobody tells you where to go from there
Seems like fate’s pulling you
Decisions have to be made
The best path is the hardest earned

Back and forth a struggle consumes us all
Trying to keep a level head
In the most unsettling of times
Today I become the bull

There is so much at stake
I stumble I lose my place
Pride and arrogance surrounded by sin
Destiny takes its hold
Fight it or let it go
But I chose how today will end

This walk
Can get lonely
I lose myself inside my head
No one can touch you when
You’re outside staring in
Remove myself from this rat race






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