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Aretha Franklin - So Damn Happy (2003) - You Are My Joy (Reprise)

You Are My Joy (Reprise)
Aretha Franklin
So Damn Happy (2003)

This is love, my darling
Can't you feel it?
When you really had me, concealing
I just can't be that way with you

The light of my life
And you don't even know it
How many ways can I show it
Wherever you are
I wanna be with you, baby

The joining of our hearts
The joining of our heads
With this ring, I thee wed
The love of my life
I trust you with my heart, dear
I trust you more when you're not here

This is your last chance
There'll be no backward glance
Are we on or are we through? (Repeat)

You feel it in your heart
You feel it down in your soul, baby
Oh, yeah




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