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TV 13:40:54
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Arctic Monkeys - Suck It And See (2011) - Suck It And See

Suck It And See
Arctic Monkeys
Suck It And See (2011)

Your love is like a studded leather headlock
Your kiss it could put creases in the rain
You're rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock
And those other girls are just postmix lemonade

Suck it and see you never know
Sit next to me before I go
Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes
Be cruel to me cos I'm a fool for you

I poured my aching heart into a pop song
I couldn't get the hang of poetry
That's not a skirt girl that's a sawn off shotgun
And I can only hope you've got it aimed at me

Suck it and see you never know
Sit next to me before I go
Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes
Be cruel to me cos I'm a fool for

Blue moon girls from once upon a shangri la
How I often wonder where you are
You have got that face that just says
Baby I was made to break your heart


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