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Apocalyptica - Apocalyptica (2005) - How Far

How Far
Apocalyptica (2005)

My life is a circle
No beginning and no end
It's always repeating a trail I defend..

A missunderstanding
That can't be erased like a file
I've got all I wanted
But still I'm not satisfied

How far will I go to
And search my respect and my pride
How long will I lie to myself
About the privilege of my life
That turns around 'till I die
And take the dark with me

Why am I sad when I have more than I ever had?

My life is too stable I get no air
My jail is my skin I'm false like a fable
That is being praised for it's sinn

Once I am trying to follow the light
Then the bitch grips my feet
Pulls me down underneath

How far will I go to
And search my respect and my pride
How long will I lie to myself
About the privilege of my life
That turns around 'till I die
And take the dark with me




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