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Anti-Flag - Die For The Government (1997) - Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene

Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene
Die For The Government (1997)

He thinks because he's got spikes on his leather
That he's the punkest, he thinks he's better
He walks around with his nose in the air
The only thing bigger than his ego is his hair
He thinks that uniform he's wearing
Is a good excuse for his snobby glaring

Davey destroyed the punk scene (2x)

He thinks that uniform he's wearing makes him a punk, yeah

Davey destroyed the punk scene (2x)
I don't know when punk became a uniform
I always thought that uniforms were for the army
But I guess he's right, he's got punk rock hair
He paid a fortune for his gear

Davey destroyed the punk scene (2x)

He thinks that uniform he's wearing makes him a punk, yeah

Davey destroyed the punk scene (x2)
We've got to try to stick together, oi oi
We're not supposed to fight each other, oi oi
Stand against the government but stand up for ourselves, oi oi
If this ignorance continues punk will be lost on book shevles, oi oi
What happened to punk rock kids uniting ?
Now we're competing, now we're fighting
He drives the younger kids away sacrificing us for his image
Punk rock kids will pay

Davey destroyed the punk scene (2x)

He thinks that uniform he's wearing makes him a punk, yeah

Davey destroyed the punk scene (3x)
It's already destroyed






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