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Anthrax - Attack Of The Killer B's (1991) - Startin' Up A Posse

Startin' Up A Posse
Attack Of The Killer B's (1991)

Now I'm gonna tell ya a story
A tale of wrong and Right
and freedom is the reason
You can't take it without a fight

So now I'm startin' up a posse
(Suck my dick, suck my dick)
To come and look for you
We're gonna put a stop
To what you want to do
You f*cking whores (You f*ckin' whores)
That's all you are

You say our records are offensive
(You're a douche, You're a douche)
Our messages ain't right
You say "We're gonna label records
So our kids can grow up right"You f*cking whores (Let them decide)
That's all you are

sh*t, f*ck, satan, death, sex drugs, rape
These seven words you're trying to takesh*t, f*ck, satan, death, sex, drugs, rape
Right or wrong it's our choice to make
America the beautiful, Land of the free
Don't change the words to land of Hypocrisy

Now I'm startin' up a posse (Fascist scum, fascist scum)
And we'll damn sure make you see
Something that offends you
May not be offensive to me
You f*cking whores (You f*ckin' whores)
That's all you are

Now you might take offense
To a word like "f*ck" or "sh*t" (Dick!)
But you f*ckin' don't have the right (Cunt!)
To discriminate me for saying it!
You f*ckin' whores (You f*ckin' whores)
That's all you are

So now I'm startin' up a posse (Motherf*cker, motherf*ck)
To fight for freedom of choice
To fight for freedom of speech
We're gonna make you hear our voice

And now I don't do this to shock you
(That's the end, that's the end)
I don't do this for spite
You've got the choice, don't buy it, don't read it,
And don't say your opinion's right
You f*cking whores (You f*ckin' whores)
That's all you are (Cunty, cunty, cunty, cunt)

You know you can't censor my feelings
You can't censor my thoughts
Censorship's against
Everything America stands for
You f*ckin' whores (Let us decide)
That's all you are (And this ain't sexist, either)






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