Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 15°C, 127 online
TV 13:48:34
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Andrew W.K. - I Get Wet (2002) - It's Time To Party

It's Time To Party
Andrew W.K.
I Get Wet (2002)

It's time to party, Let's party
Hang out with yourself and have a crazy party
Hey you, Lets party
Have a killer party and Party!

Don't even try and deny it
'Cos you're gonna have a Party tonight
And you know we're gonna do it tonight
We're gonna lose it all
When you open your door!
Party, Party, There's gonna be a party Tonight!

Tension in my hand
When you're standin' there
? (Its time to Party!)
Doing it fast, When you're doing it long
Keep gettin' your money (Its time to Party!)
Pounding on one, touchin' yourself
it's 1990 (Its time to Party!)
Open your mouth, we're all gonna come... In your face!

It's time to... party, party, there's gonna be a party tonight!






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