Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 15°C, 127 online
TV 14:02:44
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Anathema - The Silent Enigma (2003) - Cerulean Twilight

Cerulean Twilight
The Silent Enigma (2003)

I'm lying here, oh so peaceful...
...In serene harmony
I'm dreaming yet I feel awake
I'm dreaming yet I am awake

Subjected to pain. Dark screams repent

And in a foreboding rage, a soul will die...
...A soul will die

My mind is burning, I'm burning
I can't feel you anymore
Have I reached my point?
Will I drown in delusion?

The winds fell silent
And in my cerulean twilight
I left myself once again
...it's overwhelming
Suffer yourself, and let me die here awhile






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