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Amy Macdonald - A Curious Thing (2010) - This Pretty Face

This Pretty Face
Amy Macdonald
A Curious Thing (2010)

I don't care
Who does her hair or
What clothes she wears
I don't care if it's YSL, I don't care if it's
What matters to me is a strong belief
All this beauty is skin deep
Don't care about hair, don't care about eyes
It's about what's inside

You'll never know who you'll meet on your way to the
You'll probably see them again when your fame starts to
Down down, I'll meet you on the ground
It's no good with your hair and your shiny blue eyes
It's no good when you finally start to realize
I need something more
This pretty face don't work no more

What happened to achieving
What happened to believing in yourself
Why listen to the musings of someone, somebody else
I'm sorry I don't see and I can't quite believe it
What happened to believing that beauty's in the eye of the

You'll never know who you'll meet on your way to the
You'll probably see them again when your fame starts to
Down down, I'll meet you on the ground
It's no good with your hair and your shiny blue eyes
It's no good when you finally start to realize
I need something more
This pretty face don't work no more

You'll never know who you'll meet on your way to the
You'll probably see them again when your fame starts to
Down down, I'll meet you on the ground
It's no good with your hair and your shiny blue eyes
It's no good when you finally start to realize
I need something more
This pretty face don't work no more






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