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Aloof, The - Seeking Pleasure (1998) - What I Miss The Most

What I Miss The Most
Aloof, The
Seeking Pleasure (1998)

Tell me I may be indifferent
When there's nothing left to hold
Maybe what I am don't suit you
I have changed so I've been told

You're no longer part of me
You're no longer part of me
I've been told
I've run out of words to say to you
I've run out of things I want to do
I have no reasons to get first
This is what I miss the most

Tell why I can't get closer
You tend to walk away
Attitude is all you've given me
I just got to get away

You're no longer part of me
You're no longer part of me
I've been told
I've run out of words to say to you
I've run out of things I want to do
I have no reasons to get first
This is what I miss the most

Tell me why are you so dependent
On this tainted love affair
There's no damn thing that you've given me
I just got to get away

I don't want no part of you
I don't want no part of you
You've been told
I've run out of words to say to you
I've run out of things I want to do
I have no reasons to get first
This is what I miss the most






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