Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 119 online
TV 12:45:48
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Alien Ant Farm - Greatest Hits - Pink Tea

Pink Tea
Alien Ant Farm
Greatest Hits

Our bright days make Sundays
And tea time is always
In short time with sunlight
We’re gonna wait…

To drink a cup of lots of love
Would hopefully erase all the doubt
And you would be mine dear
And I will drink and only

Spring is here, and we’re in full swing
Spring is here, and we’re in full swing

Now clouds pour thick showers
And wash way drought’s powers
So crops thrive twelve feet high
They’re potent and get me high

So we stir and we stir
And mix a drink of leaves so pure
Three cubes of cane represent
Our short but sweet relations

Spring is here, and we’re in full swing
Spring is here, and we’re in full swing




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