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Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare (1975) - Escape

Alice Cooper
Welcome To My Nightmare (1975)

Paint on my cruel or happy face.
Hide me behind it.
It takes me inside another place
Where no one can find it.
Escape, I get out when I can.
Escape, anytime I can,
Escape, I'm crying in my beer,
Escape, just get me out of here
Don't get me wrong, don't get me right
I'm not like you are.
When I get home from work at night,
I'm blacker and bluer.
So I escape.
(Repeat 2nd verse)
Where am I running to?
There's no place to go.
Just put on my make-up
And get me to the show. Yeah.
My doctor said just come around,
You'll be taken care of,
And while he ran my problems down,
I stole his mascara,
That's how I escape.
(Repeat 2nd verse)




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