Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 120 online
TV 12:27:49
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Ahead To The Sea - Urban Pirate Soundsystem (2005) - Ahead To The Sea

Ahead To The Sea
Ahead To The Sea
Urban Pirate Soundsystem (2005)

On our way to the bar I asked her would you come with me
We could leave this town behind us and our aim could be the sea
At once I scold myself a fool, but she said why not?
And smiled Let us go to where the ocean hits the shore, the night is still a child
And we're driving Yo-Yo-Yo ahead to the sea
And we're singing Yo-Yo-Yo...

We are driving under stars navigated by their light
There's a big smile on the moon and a few good prayers for that night
Oh what a feeling of freedom, I got everything I need
An old car, You, a stereo and time and a pocket full of weed
And we re driving Yo-Yo-Yo ahead to the sea
And we're singing Yo-Yo-Yo...

Loud singing out of tune to all the songs we both love most
And sometimes we are just dreaming... and nearer comes the coast
When she lights a cigarette and slowly passes it to me
I can feel the taste of her lips on mine and the salt of the sea
And we're singing Yo-Yo-Yo ahead to the sea
And we're singing Yo-Yo-Yo...

And down to the beach, against the wind hand in hand
We're carving a big heart for us in the sand
Picking up seashells and breathing the sea
Seagulls and waves and a small ship... You and me




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