Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 16°C, 124 online
TV 16:05:09
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Agathocles - Humarrogance (1997) - Smelling The Odours Of Death

Smelling The Odours Of Death
Humarrogance (1997)

Smelling the odours of death,
walking next to a macho-stud,
his perfume taking my breath,
tested on animals, tortured to death,

Smelling the odours of death,
on a high-society-bitch her head,
her perfume taking my breath,
tested on animals, tortured to death,

Who the fuck wants to reek "swell",
when animals have gone through hell,
biting perfume in their eyes,
to show off and smell good, they died,

Smell death - captured in a perfume-spray
Smell death - animals' pain, bottled away
Smell death - captured in a perfume-spray
Smell death - who the fuck needs it anyway?


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