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After Forever - Ivnisible Circles (2004) - Digital Deceit

Digital Deceit
After Forever
Ivnisible Circles (2004)

(Verse) Come enter; here's my world
Closed off from pain and cold
Come enter; come inside
A secret place of light
'Cause in this world I'm rid of you, you can't get through

So here I am; I'm beautifull
and I'm sure my friends will tell you the same
So here I am; you can't deny that I am someone you'd embrace
I am the queen; I'm pure and loved by everyone

(Chorus) Come enter; here's my code
Through the world wide wire you'll know me
The queen of her own world
My story; meet my life

(Verse) So now you see, there is another me
Not someone insecure and strange
My father's will in here, it doesn't mean a thing
And I don't fear his violent rage

I am the queen; You know I'm loved by everyone

(Chorus) Come enter; here's my code
Through the world wide wire you'll know me
The queen of her own world

(Choir) Stop dreaming and wake up
Your silly world is not what's real
This world of fake friends
and computers, digital deceit

This cyberwall (this cyber wall)
is built to break out or hold
The choice is yours (the choice is yours),
will you dream or see what's real

(Child) Oh... no, no more
Just let me be alone with myself
These conflicting thoughts increase my doubts

I am the queen, I must be loved
This so called 'wall' is there to protect
A life controlled by keys, closed off from pain and cold




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