Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 15°C, 122 online
TV 14:54:06
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Acrostichon - Sentenced (1995) - Pain

Sentenced (1995)

portraits; all over this wall
murdered morals taking my fall
velvet footsteps caressing the floor
listen carefully; i want to be shure

the pig is laughing; moments of doubt
addicted to hatred; forcing the pain

all these portraits remind me of the
water is burning; forcing away

slip into
the sin of living
has been forgiven
i ask for war
(but) i'm getting more
i don't understand

i suck the barrel
i lick the bullet
it removes my mind
to a faraway place
where there's still space
for my kind
the pig is laughing; moments of doubt
addicted to hatred; forcing the pain




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