Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 15°C, 113 online
TV 15:19:10
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Abscess - punishment & crippled reality (1998) - marvelous dreams

marvelous dreams
punishment & crippled reality (1998)


i look into your eyes but i don´t recognize
the one i once trust who once was my life
i scare when i see your cold smile
i go numb when you touch my skin


you once enchanted me
then you rammed your dagger in my hear
and let me bleed
now i´m empty
i hate my memories at you
my fate will turn to yours


the beauty of past days is turnig to pain
this love was my anchor but you broke the chain
nothing of your love was like it seemed
i woke up from marvelous dreams




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