Dneska je sobota, 01.06.2024, svátek má Laura, venku je 15°C, 154 online
TV 13:16:23
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A - Hi-Fi Serious (2002) - Pacific Ocean Blue

Pacific Ocean Blue
Hi-Fi Serious (2002)

It's OK to beat the living shit from the drum kit
It's OK to take what you don't have, if you want it

That's alright, that's your way
Water's cold, December, Del Ray
Through those eyes, made me cry
And the summer is forever
It's the endless summer

And it's not about your girlfriend
And it's not about your boyfriend
And I'm not about to lose it over you
Remember what I told ya
The night in California
And I'm all about Pacific Ocean Blue

It's OK to leave your jacket on in the ocean
It's OK to sing the saddest song, Vibrations

Thanks a lot, you can be
What you want, honestly
Magic days, golden nights
And the summer is forever
It's the endless summer

And it's not about your girlfriend
And it's not about your boyfriend
And I'm not about to lose it over you
Remember what I told ya
The night in California
And I'm all about Pacific Ocean Blue

I don't need no explanation
All I got is best intentions
I got fears, too much to mention

You're not there, when I'm scared, terrified
Jump right in, the water's fine






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