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A New Found Glory - New Found Glory (2002) - Better Off Dead

Better Off Dead
A New Found Glory
New Found Glory (2002)

Ash his heart onto the ground
Pull his guts out by frustration
Be careful you might kill him

Just cause he can't hear what you say
Doesn't mean that he's not listening
If you listen to your words
He might like what say

So you've been going out for years
And I'm sure that you've been happy
Happy with your role
You've been looking up to him
As if you've forgotten of your own life
Forgotten of your own face
Burn and start again

Just cause he can't hear what you say
Doesn't mean that he's not listening
If you listen to your words
He might like what say

On my own again
That's what she said
I'm leaving you tomorrow
But she already left
She already left me

She said I'm better off dead
It's your own life
Live it for yourself
It's your own life
Life for your...

Just cause he can't hear what you say
Doesn't mean that he's not listening
If you listen to your words
He might like what say

On my own again
That's what she said
I'm leaving your tomorrow
But she already left
She already left me

She said I'm better off dead






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